At Campus Movie Fest ... Making a game
I'm in Atlanta for 🎬 #campusmoviefest while my daughter and her friend get to check out cool sessions on movie making and present their short films. But, I get to work on my side projects. For some reason I'm gravitating toward 🎮GDevelop. It seems like such a good fit for me – as it's close to my javascript heart for games, while also being easy to code for. The UI is still kinda ... rough in some ways, but it's still very usable. What gets me is that the games that I've seen made for this engine are so fast. I don't see any framerate drops and the controls seem to be pretty responsive. I don't know about the UI, but there must be some real good things going on under the hood.
If you've not tried it out, I encourage you to check it out and kick the tires. It's both been around for a long time (2008?) but seems new with this latest version 5. It's free and open source, so support it!

Vacation Goals
After today, I'm off on vacation for almost a week. I get to go to #campusmoviefest with my daughter, who is showing a few short films she has created. I'm super excited for her, and hopeful she can make connections with great folks there.
As for me, I've just got a new laptop, I've primed it with things like Godot Engine, GDevelop, Android Studio, and Visual Studio Code ( as well as Steam and Gog ). I've got a few things I'd like to do for myself whilst accompanying my daughter including:
- Finish reading the Rust Book ( also Rust and Webassembly as well as Rust Async — I just learned that those books were created using mdbook ... learned something new today already!
- Finish reading Godot docs.
- Work on #ittybittyrpg in Godot. Starting from scratch. Will iterate like crazy. I've learned a lot about Godot this past year, and it makes me want to use Godot to build my own tool. Get a splash screen and stub out the editor and view screens. Get it to output a simple HTML file.
- Work on #DungeonAfternoon in GDevelop — get a simple guy walking around a map. Level 0.
That's a lot, right? Well I hope to stay super busy. And maybe play some of my immense backlog of PC games.