Microsoft has had a number of announcements lately around OSS. They are really taking the whole idea to heart, and beginning to reap the benefits in the developer community.
Today I faced a real challenge at work while digging through some legacy code changes. But, I persisted and while adding some breakpoints, I finally tracked down the issue. With 5 mins to spare before my shuttle was to arrive.
For my projects, I'm thinking about Faeren – my project to create a conversational interface to writing a book. Trying to decide if I should use Vuejs or just poke around in vanilla javascript. Perhaps I should reuse some of the code I was writing for #ittybittyrpg.
There is so much going on in the world. And even in just the web in general. It's easy to get overwhelmed. Staying focused is not easy as the next new shiny makes its best attempt at taking your attention.
I'm finding myself out on my porch on a simply amazing wonderfully beautiful day going over Godot tutorials I bought on Gumroad Specifically the course I bought called Make Professional 2d Games with Godot
Thinking about the web, Firefox, Clojure, and all the things in one kind of big mixture. I also bought Pokemon Ultra Moon 🌝 to play through with my son.
Koji seems like a promising new way to make web apps and games.
I asked them about having iframe embeds, and they implemented the feature a few days later. Very cool!
Put something like this in your customize script block on :
var imported = document.createElement('script');
imported.src = '';
then use a script like this in your glitch js.
var vuejs = document.createElement('script');
vuejs.src = '';
document.getElementById("runVue").addEventListener("click", function(evt){
var app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
message: 'Hello Vue! This is Vue JS running in my blog!'
This daily log thing is a trip. If you haven't done this yourself, I highly recommend it. I still haven't figured out when is the best time to write, but spending 30 mins a day and writing about what I'm working on is really helping me stay focused.
Today I'm getting my systems updated as they have been offline for a while. I'm realizing that the only way I can get through these tutorials is if I allocate time specifically for them. I'm having a kind of “tutorial backup” where my list of Udemy learnings is through the roof, but this is all about setting priorities and time management.
My goal for today is to get 1 chapter of FairyKnight edited and update my LeanPub site with the change. And look over all my projects including
So much stuff! I need a week off just to get everything going.
Tomorrow is declutter the house day. I spent time on the porch last weekend and having one space clean is like an oasis in the desert.
Today I'm working on fixing up the CSS of my current project, and I learned something really cool about the browser – as I seem to do every day. Did you know that the events focus and blur do not bubble, but that focusin and focusout do? I just learned that today – and I've been doing this for many years. is so freaking useful. It's like being able to long form tweet, while being able to re-edit your posts!
I'm also still working on Udemy tutorials. Looking forward to getting my Warioware DIY cartridge to try out a very cool, playful game making tool.
I want to tell you, persistence pays off. If you want to do a thing, and you feel overwhelmed by the scope, size, and complexity of the thing, be ruthless and break it down into little pieces and consume them daily.
For me, today – after main line work I'm going to finish a tutorial on #webassembly I've been watching on Udemy .
So many projects. Godot, writing, editing, publishing. Keeping your mind busy helps prevent depression from worming its way into your thoughts.
Also had to do more purging of twitter folks I follow. Getting really tired of having an arbitrary follower limit.