
Building fun experiences for the web

I've been thinking about how I want to move forward with #ittybittyrpg as my desire to create content for the web competes with the desire to make things in #godotengine. I was referred to another engine called GDevelop which is a React based game engine kind like Construct or Stencyl and I saw in it the potential to use something a bit better than just vanilla JS for my project. I will spend some time to get familiar with it, as it checks all the checkboxes of free, open source, extensible, and built on the web.

So much has happened since I last wrote here, but I want to maintain a routine of posting here. I've created my own site (still 'under construction') at as well as a few new sites like godotdepot and Build on the web .

Creating my own site led me to wonder if I should continue posting daily dev blogs here, but I realized that I can use this as my sort of daily “diary” and post more substantial articles and posts on my own site.

I'm also in the process of moving my Medium posts about Godot to my own blog as well. Netlify, Gitlab, and Hugo are great resources.

I also am thinking about a new game called Dungeon Afternoon where you create dungeons and monsters come to visit or stick around to help you.

I also played a lot with FireBase today, and I must say it's pretty awesome.

I'm back from vacation, and ready to get moving on the rest of this year. Lots of things to do, and I'm focused on #godotengine as well as building my websites for the year.

This is supposed to be my dev log, but there's not been a lot of that lately due to work. However, today I'm going over some things from Svelte, and I want to say that as someone with lot of obligations, do not let yourself get discouraged if you have a run of days with no “progress”. Each day is a learning experience, and you just have to hold on to your dreams and ideas, and be persistent. Even if you only spend 15 minutes on your personal projects – that adds up.

15 minutes a day for a year = 3.8 days or 91.25 hours. That's a lot!

Work is really taking up all of my headspace lately. And I feel like someone who is missing a meal each day. Kinda off.

I am, however trying out the Calm app, and it's pretty cool. Yay #selfcare .

Work basically sucked up all my time today. And energy. Which is ok, sorta.

Need to explore RiTa. The tutorial from The Coding Train was intriguing.

Tomorrow – going to Build something small and generative...

Tonight – playing with codepen:

Time is something you always seem to have enough of, before you are out of it. Take time today to rest, to think, and to be thankful.

Got a lot of work done at Work, but not much otherwise. Kinda frustrating.

My motto for today is AAAA. Always Adjust And Adapt. What does this mean? When you are living life and trying to be a creative, or build something – be it an app, a career, or just writing a story, you will find that you must constantly be adjusting your plans around work, family, health, and other unknowns. That's ok. Adapting means that you take things that originally are challenges, and turn them into advantages.

For instance, you have to take the train to work. That kills like say 45 mins of your time during the day. Instead of wasting that time, use it to jot down notes, or meditate, or read documentation.

Adjusting is also necessary for your mental health. You might say to yourself “I'm going to write 1000 words today” but then life happens and you just don't get to it. Instead of feeling like that was a “fail” look at what prevented you from writing. Learn from it. Perhaps you weren't able to get to a computer – then get Google Docs for your phone. Or perhaps you just felt too tired, next time get up a little earlier and write say 200 words in the AM.

My point is that instead of constantly feeling like your plans are “foiled” take each day like a science experiment where you test your current hypothesis on productivity against the reality of the day, and each night consider your findings, then adapt and adjust for the next day.

You will feel better, actually get stuff done, and grow as a person.

Today I want to shout out to Pixabay for having cool images you can use in your blog posts.

I'm going to try to learn some more Godot today, and noodle on my Web Building tool Nodez

P.S. I almost forgot “And”. The most important A word on this list! And means always add more things. Every day, do X ... AND something else! Keep adding new things to your life. Always have an “And” ready to supplement your day!

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

I'm keeping a daily “journal” now here on (which, I highly recommend for your own uses BTW) and I'm sitting on the porch in the cold morning air and thinking about making things that make things. To be honest I envy those folks who have made game making tools and simple apps that create things. I want to be one of those folks. It's a big motivator.

I could just go play the Switch, but instead I'll fire up a new version of Godot on this crappy old windows laptop and start plugging away.


Have you been watching? #webassembly is blowing up, folks. Everything from super fast #javascript encoding / decoding to running Swift in webassembly. It's truly becomming a universal executable format.


It may seem like #microsoft is doing something new – with all the announcements about Chromium / Edge, buying Github, putting Linux in their OS, etc. But actually if you read between the lines they are doing what they have always been good at: learning from their mistakes, and iterating like crazy. Just like when Word was a crappy word processing tool, they looked around, saw what the best tools were doing, then copied that. They were bad at it at first, of course, and made mistakes, but they learned from each successive iteration – like an adaptive bacteria. I have no doubt they sat down and thought about what makes developers tick, and why so many developers use Macs. Chrome. Unix based tools. Open Source. Great code editors (Visual Studio Code?) If you look at it that way, each one of these actions is not random, it's a systemic adaptation to eventually get you as a developer to go “huh, Microsoft is cool again, I'll go use a new Microsoft Surface instead of getting that iPad.”

This is not a bad thing, because we all benefit. It's just you should keep your eyes open. They are not doing these things because they are “good” or “right”. They are doing them to survive. It's just a side effect that they benefit you, because that's what companies do. It's not “bad” it's just “survive”. So before you wonder why Microsoft has “changed it's tune” or “turned good”, realize it's simply the next iteration of the Terminator. Just one that's going to be nice to you and fix you breakfast.

(Photo by Rock'n Roll Monkey on Unsplash)

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It's amazing that with all the advances on the web, we still consider mailing lists as a core, essential part of reaching out to people. Probably because email is such an important part of our lives as a citizen of the internet.

Goals for the weekend

  • decide on a method to publish a static site, either Saber or 11ty right now.
  • work on outline for Godot book
  • start playing around with web editor for Godot
  • play Warioware DIY

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